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LifeCheck™ – what is it all about:

  • LifeCheck was created to predict the likelihood of developing a chronic illness such as type 2 diabetes, heart attack, or stroke
  • Expressed as a percentage, a high percentage represents a “high risk” and so on…
  • 27 quick and easy questions, taking about 90 seconds to complete
  • Questions cover – personal and family health history, personal lifestyle choices, and mindfulness
  • LifeCheck does not provide a diagnosis but a catalyst to predict how your current lifestyle choices affect your future health
  • Accessed through a digital link, no app is necessary
  • Our system is trained against a dataset of 70,000 medical records, looks for patterns and trends, allocates a weighting to each answer, and then compiles a risk factor
  • Privacy and confidentiality are paramount. A unique 6-digit number (USRN) is allocated to your data once you click the SUBMIT button
  • Your report is generated (see sample below), allowing for comments from a healthcare professional

If you would like to take a LifeCheck™ assessment, please use the following link – LifeCheck

Sample Report II